Monthly Archives: April 2019

Save the Date/Reserve la Fecha: International Festival, Sat. Oct. 5

Our annual International Festival this year will be Saturday, October 5, 2019. For information, please call Dn. Steve Genovese at 203-943- 1352. ******************************************** Nuestro Festival Internacional este año será el día sábado 5 de octubre de 2019. Para información, por favor comunicarse con el Diacono Steve Genovese al 203-943-1352.
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Music for Vespers of the Second Sunday after Easter, 5 May 2019

Sunday, 5 May 2019, 5:00 p.m.
Music for Vespers of the Second Sunday after Easter
Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite
Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia & Psalms 109, 110, 111, 112, & 113 (mode vii)
Hymn: Ad regias Agni dapes (plainsong, mode viii)
Magnificat antiphon: Ego sum pastor bonus (plainsong, mode iii)
O Salutaris Hostia (Werner)
Tantum ergo (French melody)
Adoremus in aeternum (plainsong, mode i)
Postlude: La Résurrection du Christ (from Livre du Saint-Sacrement) (Olivier Messiaen, 1908-1992)

Music for the Second Sunday after Easter, 5 May 2019

Music for the Second Sunday after Easter
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: Improvisation
Hymn at the Procession: The Lord's My Shepherd (Brother James's Air)
Missa Surrexit pastor bonus (Orlande de Lassus, c.1532-1594)
Gregorian Mass of the Second Sunday after Easter: Misericordia Domini
Motet at the Offertory: Regina caeli (Diego Ortiz, c.1510-c.1570)
Motet at the Communion: Surrexit pastor bonus (Lassus)
Postlude: Choral-Improvisation sur le Victimae Paschali (Charles Tournemire, 1870-1937)

Music for the Third Sunday of Easter
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Hymn at the Procession: Christ the Lord is Risen Today (Surgit in haec dies)
Introit: Jubilate Deo (plainsong, mode viii)
Missa Lux et origo (Vatican Gradual, Mass I)
Alleluia: Cognoverunt discipuli (plainsong, mode iii)
Alleluia: Oportebat pati Christum (plainsong, mode iv)
Offertory: Lauda anima mea (plainsong, mode iv)
Motet at the Offertory: Christ our Passover (John Goss, 1800-1880)
Communion: Simon Joannis (plainsong, mode vi)
Motet at the Communion: The day draws on with golden light (Edward Bairstow, 1874-1946)
Marian antiphon: Regina cæli (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above

Music for Low Sunday, 28 April 2019

Music for the Octave Day of Easter (Low Sunday)
(Missale Romanum of 1962, 9:30 a.m.)
Prelude: O filii et filiae (Pierre Dandrieu, 1664-1733)
Hymn at the Procession: Ye Sons and Daughters (O filii et filiæ)
Missa Amor ecco colei (Johannes de Fossa, c.1540-1603)
Gregorian Mass for the Octave Day of Easter: Quasi modo
Motet at the Offertory: Christus resurgens (Orlande de Lassus, c.1532-1594)
Motet at the Communion: Quia vidisti (Jacobus Handl, 1550-1591)
Postlude: Ad caenam Agni providi (Jean Titelouze, c.1563-1633)

Music for the Second Sunday of Easter
(Missale Romanum of 2002, 11:30 a.m.)
Processional Hymn: Christ the Lord Is Ris’n Today (Llanfair)
Introit: Quasi modo (plainsong, mode vi)
Missa Lux et origo (Vatican Gradual, Mass I)
Alleluia: In die resurrectionis (plainsong, mode vii)
Alleluia: Post dies octo (plainsong, mode vii)
Offertory: Angelus Domini (plainsong, mode viii)
Hymn at the Offertory: Ye Sons and Daughters (O filii et filiæ, plainsong, mode ii)
Communion: Mitte manum tuam (plainsong, mode vi)
Hymn at the Communion: Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain (Gaudeamus pariter)
Marian antiphon: Regina caeli (plainsong, mode vi)
Organ music as above

Music for the Nuptial Mass of Lauren Lazzari and Samuel Rowe, 26 April 2019

Friday, 26 April 2019, 3:30 p.m.
Music for the Nuptial Mass of Lauren Lazzari & Samuel Rowe
(Missale Romanum of 1962)
Prelude: I sat down (Edward Bairstow, 1874-1946)
Prelude: Le banquet céleste (Olivier Messiaen, 1908-1992)
Hymn at the Procession: Christ Jesus Lay in Death's Strong Bands (Christ lag in Todesbanden)
Missa Papae Marcelli (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina, c.1525-1594)
Gregorian Mass of Easter Friday: Eduxit eos
Motet at the Offertory: Haec dies (William Byrd, 1540-1623)
Motet at the Communion: O sacrum convivium (Messiaen)
Motet at the Communion: Ego flos campi à 7 (Jacobus Clemens non Papa, c.1510-1558)
Postlude: Toccata, Adagio and Fugue in C Major (BWV 564) (Johann Sebastian Bach, 1685-1750)