Music for the Mass of St. Josemaria Escriva, 26 June 2009

Mass of St. Josemaria Escriva de Balaguer, Priest
Mass of a Confessor Not a Bishop
Friday, 26 June 2009, 7:00 p.m.
(Missale Romanum of 1970)

Missa de Angelis (Vatican Gradual, Mass VIII)
Gradual: Os justi (plainsong, mode i)
Alleluia: Beatus vir qui timet Dominum (plainsong, mode v)
Offertory: In virtute tua, Domine (plainsong, mode vi)
Motet at the Offertory: Jubilate Deo (Orlando di Lasso, c.1532-1594)
Communion: Beati mundo corde (plainsong, mode i)
Motet at the Communion: Exultate justi (Ludovica da Viadana, 1564-1627)

We welcome Mr. Richard Dobbins as the guest conductor
and Mr. Michael La Barre as the guest organist for this Mass.

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